We relocate to new location from 18th!! Please check map down below.

New Location, New Birth experience!!

We decided to relocate our 4D ultrasound studio to a brand new location. We will be at our midwifery birth clinic in Chibana from August.
The new location has parking and of course, has a comfy bed too. Like our old place, anyone is welcome to our studio during the session (your partner, kids, parents, and friends!) On top of the session, you could deliver your baby with your loved ones.
No need to worry about finding a babysitter during your appointment and labor. ( we have a spare room to sleep or play while you are in labor for your kids. Experienced nurse and babysitter will take care of your child either upstairs or next to your LDR room)

Sneak Peek!

Seeing your unborn child for the first time will surely touch your heart.
Using a 4DHD ultrasound machine, Sneak Peek lets you see your baby during a relaxed, personalized, and joyful session with your loved ones.



New Location

The ideal time for a 4D ultrasound is between
10 to 32 weeks of pregnancy.

From Week 10 to 24 of Pregnancy
It's an ideal time to see the overall image of the baby. 

Gender is easier to determine after 16 weeks of pregnancy.

From Week 24 to 32 of Pregnancy
You'll have more chances to see the baby's expressions and movements.

Even After Week 32 of Pregnancy,
We make every effort to capture your baby's face and expressions.

Enjoy meeting your unborn baby through a 4D ultrasound.

Let's Sneak Peek your little one's world

Service Information

2D Ultrasound Services(6-10 weeks pregnant )

Now we have a new plan for first-trimester mommies!!

Before you feel your baby’s kick or any movement, you get worried if the baby is growing or healthy. Come in and check your baby’s heartbeat through 2D ultrasound!!

*Of course, you can make 2D ultrasound service after 10 weeks!

1st sessions¥9,000 include tax

3 printed images

4D Ultrasound Services(About 10 - 37 weeks pregnant )

No matter your pregnancy weeks,
10-15 minutes per session, Guarantee 3 printed images,
(If you want extra images charge¥200 per print)

Recording video, taking pictures and Calling are allowed.

One session¥14,000 include tax
Counselling every 15 minutes¥2,000 include tax

3 printed images



・妊娠週数関係なく 10-15分間 プリント2枚 動画撮影自由

初回¥9,900 (税込)
2回目以降¥8,800 (税込)
カウンセリング15分毎¥2,200 (税込)


Due to the technical difficulties, we will accept the payment at the store for now. Thank you for your understanding.

Reservations require advance payment through credit card payment or bank transfer.
We will guide you through the reservation form.

ご予約はクレジットカード決済、または銀行振込による 事前決済となります。

Midwife: Atsuko Nakama
Midwife: Yuko Akita
Translator: Fuki Rivera
Phone: 090-1944-2337(Translator/Fuki)